world’s advanced multi-platform
Novel Plotting Software
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Book editor
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Screenshot of the Fortelling Home Screen
In short
How to organize the mess in your head
Screenshot of the Character tool in Fortelling
Story elements
Screenshot of the Timeline tool
Screenshot of the Fortelliing app showing the pinboard and mind map functionality
Screenshot of the Fortelling Editor
Collaborate in Real-time
Editor & reader roles
Collaborate in Real-time
Unique plotting tools
Your personal writing space
Custom tools
Screenshot of Foretelling Tool Characters
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iPad screenshot showing the advanced pinboard and mindmap functions of Fortelling
Type your bestseller
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Mobile screenshot of Fortelling text editor
Version history
Statistics & goals
100% ownership
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Weekly challenges
A new challenge every Friday
Photograph of Castle
To Steal a Throne
You were exiled from your beloved kingdom by your greatest rival and left everything behind. Your blood still boils with rage, and you know nothing tastes better than revenge. Years later, there was an announcement about an upcoming event. Will you take this chance to redeem your throne?
Photograph of dessert
A trip to Egypt didn’t go as planned. After you lose your guide and the travel group, your water supply is running low. At some point, you discover tracks in the sand and start to follow them. Afterward, you face great regret.
Person looking at his own shadow in a puddle of water
The Rain
You were angry, disappointed, and sad. You ran out of her house without even taking your jacket. It was raining outside. The rain was banging loudly on the asphalt, but you still could hear her screaming after you.
It is the price of a cup of coffee
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Used by over 400.000 authors
3D graphic of man holding phone
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